Donnerstag, 25. April 2013

I have, in my shop, only God and nothing else!

He did not like to live on the charities from the corrupt people, who had earned their money by unfair means. So he acted fearful or arrogant or even insulting to them, depending upon the person, place and circumstances. Rana Kaiser Shumsher used to say, “Don’t go near SB. Fear him like a lion!”

To the simple folk, who approached him with love and reverence, he was kindness personified.

To those who came to see him as a “museum piece”, he acted indifferent and would even suggest going away as soon as they have seen him!

To those who came for some worldly desires, like money, name fame, position, children, relief from diseases, siddhis or powers, he would say, “I have, in my shop, only God and nothing else! If you want other articles, please go to others’ shops, where they are available”. Then, he would go to complete silence! So people had to go away!

on Charity

Charity makes us pleasant and gives us better health.

Give 10% of your property in Charity. Then your earning will be safe.

One who wants to see-God in this very life, should give away one-tenth of his Capital wealth and his Running wealth. He is sure to see God in this very life or in the next, according to one’s earnestness. If one does not do this Charity, he cannot expect to see Him in this life.

Charity, like RL, should be private. What one hand gives in charity, the other hand should not know, what to talk of your wife, etc.! You have to use a lot of Discrimination while doing charity: 

For poor people - food and clothes: Food - cooked meal is best; it is best to feed them in your house till
they are satisfied: Clothes - old clothes for the poor; not new, because it may be sold for money which may be used for drinks, etc. 

Cash for the worthy; because then he can use properly. 

Beware of ascetics while giving money; they may do prostitution or drink in the dark! If you do charity for such people, you will earn demerits instead!

Montag, 8. April 2013

Absolute Liberation

My teachings are meant for all human beings who long for God, for full perfection, for Absolute Liberation. As I have already said, they are not mine but God's. These teachings are older than the teachings of any particular religion. The Right Life I speak of is a direct way to God. If you know the way to this place and want to come here, you need no guide, you can come by yourself. So if you don't know the Right Life, the direct way to God, you need a religion, not otherwise. The Right Life contains the best in all religions and also transcends them. It is open to all who, being endowed with common sense, are open to it.

we are born to think of, and see, GOD

In Right Life, emphasis is on teachings, not on teacher.

If I write my experiences, I can fill up thousands of volumes. But this will not turn people's minds towards Right Life. Moreover, they will flock here and disturb my personal life.

Do necessary duties for maintaining life and think maximum of God.

Everything goes against us till we know God.

God can be experienced but can never be explained.

If God is seen and known, no more trouble: fears, pains, doubts and anxieties are gone for ever.

Intensify your longing for God more and more. At length, let the thought of God be alone in your mind, destroy every other thought. You will see God before you and all your problems are solved for good.

If the ocean has to flow out through a small opening only, how much its force will increase! So, if our thoughts, feelings, activities are limited to minimum duties and maximum God-contemplation, i.e., Right Life, their quality will increase enormously.

What is the greatest aim of life? To see Truth or God.

So far as my own function is concerned, it must be personal like that of a doctor treating patients. My prescription must be particular to the case in hand because people are in different circumstances. This is why I don't write any book.

For what are we born? We are born to think of, and see, God, the First Cause.

Why is it that all aspirants do not get the guidance of a Fully Enlightened Soul? Because they do not really hunger for such a perfect Teacher. It is generally due to inertia, ignorance and arrogance.

Montag, 1. April 2013

Shivapuri Baba on the Siddhis - Yogic Powers

Faith and devotion will awaken Serpentine Power (Kundalini Shakti): develop them, not Hatha Yoga.

Emperorship, Yogic Power, Contemplative Meditation i.e. Gaddhi, Siddhi, & Samadhi - all these come but you should go beyond them and see God!

2 things take a man away from God; one is Pleasure; other is Temptation offered by Powers (Siddhis).

Dama - controlling Indriyas Sama - controlling Mind.
The 26 Virtues are the following: 1. Abhayam Satwasamshuddhi gyanayoga byabasthiti Danam damasscha yagyascha swadhyastapah arajaam. 2. Ahimsa satyam akrodhtyaga shantirapaishunam. Dayaabhootesualoluptwam mardavam hrira chapalam. 3. Teja Kshema Daya dhrithih shaucham adroho matimanita Bhabanti sampadam daivim abhjatasya bharata.

Translated into English they are: 1. Fearlessness, mental purity, persistence in the practice of knowledge, charity, sense-control, sacrifice, study of scripture, penance, uprightness; 2. Nonviolence, truthfulness, freedom from wrath, renunciation, tranquility, absence of envy, kindness to living being, uncovetousness, gentleness, modesty, dignity; 3. Splendour, patience, vigor, cleanliness, non-haughtiness - these pertain to
one inheriting divine attributes.

Sankhya and Yoga - For Failed Students; RL - For Brilliant First Class Students!

In a sense these Yoga, etc. are all useless.

Modem scientific means of communication such as Radio, TV, secret information system were not available in old days. Yogis with divine powers therefore used to be maintained by kings for such information. Thus for example the secret plan of attack by the enemies and of their advance in battle could be known.

Siddhis are like money; they are Expendable as well as Bondage-Creating!

Power-worship or the way of power is the rule in the world; but in reality Purity (Suddhi) has more value than the way of Power (Shakti).

Gita’s Yoga is Yoga for or with God. Patanjali’s Yoga is Hathayoga.

Patanjali Yogi practices non violence (Ahimsa); RL person does not, e.g. Krishna advised Arjuna to kill people for RL!

Electron and Protons - Shiva-Shakti. Atoms not broken; if broken, there will be a chain reaction and total destruction.

Two things take man away from God: they are Pleasures and Temptations acquired by special powers and special experiences. Remember also that mere Ascetism is useless.