Donnerstag, 16. Februar 2017

The 26 Virtues - Shivapuri Baba

The 26 Virtues are the following:

Fearlessness, mental purity, 

persistence in the practice of knowledge,
charity, sense-control, 

sacrifice, study of scripture, 

penance, uprightness;

Nonviolence, truthfulness, 

freedom from wrath, renunciation, 

tranquility, absence of envy, 

kindness to living being, uncovetousness, 

gentleness, modesty, 

dignity; Splendour, 

patience, vigor, 

cleanliness, non-haughtiness - 

these pertain to one inheriting divine attributes.

Shivapuri Baba on the Kundalini Shakti

Well, there are 3 Nadis and 3 kinds of Breathing - Right, Left and Central. If you breathe from either the right or left side, i.e. from the Ida or Pingala, it will not help you; if you however breathe from the centre (Sushumna) then it becomes right and helpful. In the beginning of my association with SB I could not understand anything he used to tell me. But when I started to lead a regulated life, i.e. waking early in the morning (about 4 AM), taking a cold bath, followed by meditation in a very private room (in which nobody was allowed to enter), I experienced a current-like flow right from the base of my spine to the crown of my head! I then suddenly started understanding SB’s discourses. If you do not eat meat nor Rajasic or Tamasic food, and strictly take Satwic food, the central breathing can be acquired: But SB never advocated Pranayam nor such Yogic Powers, least of all awakening Kundalini Shakti. He used to say, “Kundalini awakens automatically if you progress in RL; it is a by- product”.

the Aryans inhabited the Arctic region

According to SB, the Arctic region was inhabited by the Aryans long time ago. When the Glacial Age came, they were forced to migrate to the South, most of them to India. Arctic region has long days for about 5 months and short days for 5 months and full days for 2 months. For those who died during the long bright days, i.e., Uttarayan period, the rituals concerned with the dead could be carried out conveniently, whereas those who died during the 5 months’ period of dark cold and short days of Dakshinayan, had to be buried till the bright months started. So everybody had to suffer during this period. That is the reason of this conception of going to the sun (heaven) or to the moon! But this tradition continued from one generation to the other, till now, in India also.

this universe is within a football

Shivapuri Baba: Yes, quite so, and also Beyond. Well, Kanchha, there is a football called Hiranyagarbha. This so-called universe with all its stars, including Brahmaa, Vishnu, Maheswara, etc. are all within this football. But we must get out of this football, to Beyond, to reach God. Try to know Him, and you will become God yourself. 

(You must imagine the emphasis on the word Beyond, which SB pronounced in a special way.)

Freitag, 16. Januar 2015

What happens after the death of the physical body?

Hugh Ripman: "What happens after the death of the physical body?"

"After the death, the subtle body stays near the physical body for a time, and then leaves it and goes to another planet. Later it takes another gross body. This process is repeated again and again until God is realized".

Energy and Breath

Hugh Ripman: Something he said prompted me to ask a question about energy.

"Man needs different qualities of energy", he said. "Every function requires its own quality. You know how different fuels have different flash-points. It is like that. If there is a surplus of one quality, more than is needed for the: corresponding function, then this surplus can be transformed into a higher grade of energy, which can serve a higher function".

He was silent for a while. "Men take in energy through the breath," he continued, "but it is not the same for all men. What grades of energy people can absorb from the air depends on the way they breathe. It also depends on what is inside them".

I asked about breathing exercise.

"It is dangerous", he said, "to try the various breathing exercises, which you find described in the books, unless you do it under the guidance of man, who knows about these things. But there is one thing that you can do - and indeed this practice very greatly benefits the health of the body It is very simple. Pause about as long as it takes to draw breath (from 3 to 6 seconds) at the end of each inhalation and exhalation. A man who trains himself to breathe in this way, should normally live to be at least 100 years old".

Hugh Ripman & Shivapuri Baba

"Why is it", I asked, "that some men seek God and others do not?"

 "Men do not seek God," he answered, "because they are drawn by pleasure."

"What is it", I asked, "that is called the soul of man?"

"The soul of man", he replied, "is the real "I". This cannot be explained, it can only be experienced."

I spoke to him about the way in which a man's face might change as one regarded it steadily and asked him whether he could explain this.

"These other faces come from the past," he said, and there is layer under layer. But this is not of any great significance."

"There are many people," he continued after a while, "who seek to achieve special powers and special experiences. This kind of search leads men aside from the straight road to God. Once a man knows God, all powers and all knowledge are given to him, and he has no needs to seek anything else".

"In many scriptures", I said, "the possibility of man having a second body is spoken of, a body made of finer, subtle material. Can you tell me what this is?"

"You know how in dreams you have a body," he answered. "There is the subtle body to which these scriptures refer. But this must go, like the first body. It is only pure consciousness that one must seek". "He was silent for a while. "There are three states of consciousness-deep, sleep with dreams, and the waking states in which we are. It is necessary to go beyond all these states of consciousness".

feeding animals is a service to GOD

Such simple acts like giving water with both hands early in the morning facing East to the Sun, and also standing on one leg at the same time, will help your Soul. Similarly, feeding the cows, insect, birds and hungry men means protecting them. They are the acts of GOD. Thus, you are indirectly doing service to GOD. In the same way, if you feed a Dog, all members of your house will become faithful to you. Similarly, feeding an Ox or giving him salt will save you from the bad name or, even if the bad name is coming to you, it will be minimized.

the human being is a class of its own

Well, generally speaking, everybody has to take 84 lakhs of births and deaths, but not the human being, because it is a class of its own. After death, it takes life according to its past deeds and thoughts. So we must correct these thought and actions. We should therefore remember, what the scientists say, that this whole universe is nothing but a continuation of thoughts. So it is. Therefore watch your thoughts and correct your actions!