Donnerstag, 16. Februar 2017

Shivapuri Baba on the Kundalini Shakti

Well, there are 3 Nadis and 3 kinds of Breathing - Right, Left and Central. If you breathe from either the right or left side, i.e. from the Ida or Pingala, it will not help you; if you however breathe from the centre (Sushumna) then it becomes right and helpful. In the beginning of my association with SB I could not understand anything he used to tell me. But when I started to lead a regulated life, i.e. waking early in the morning (about 4 AM), taking a cold bath, followed by meditation in a very private room (in which nobody was allowed to enter), I experienced a current-like flow right from the base of my spine to the crown of my head! I then suddenly started understanding SB’s discourses. If you do not eat meat nor Rajasic or Tamasic food, and strictly take Satwic food, the central breathing can be acquired: But SB never advocated Pranayam nor such Yogic Powers, least of all awakening Kundalini Shakti. He used to say, “Kundalini awakens automatically if you progress in RL; it is a by- product”.

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